Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog # 1

My name is Andreina Urena, and in this blog I am responding to an assignment in my ENG 101 composition class on climate change. The assignment asked me to read an article in the New York Times “New York Is Lagging as Seas and Risks Rise, Critics warn” by Minerva Navarro. In this blog I will discuss the main points of this article as well as I have to focus in the opinion of the “Reader’s Pick” of the article.

This article is basically saying that New York City is not prepared to fight climate change. For instance, the infrastructure of the majority of buildings has not being built to resist a flood and since the city is surrounded by water, then, New Yorkers should be aware of the magnitude that a catastrophe like this could cause. In the other hand, the article also point out that if NYC is hit by a flood, then, the city will have to spend billions of dollars to restore it, and to prepare it for futures floods.

I agree with Jim Gordon from the “Readers Pick” because he sounds very realistic when he says that NYC “is like treating the symptoms without curing the disease.” Meaning that the city should be aware of what is really causing sea water to rise like trying to reduce  carbon pollution which is one of the most dangerous factor to contribute to climate change instead of being thinking about constructing barrels to stop the water coming from the ocean when they keep contaminating the air.

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